Jonathan J. Woolverton, author of The Investment Committee Guide to Prudence_ Increasing the Odds of Success When Fulfilling Your Fiduciary Responsibilities in the Administration of Pension_Investment Assets, non-fiction investing book

Jonathan J. Woolverton, CFA

Jonathan J. Woolverton, CFA, has spent his whole career in the investment field—over fifty years. After graduating from university in Pennsylvania, he moved to Toronto, Canada, where he began his career in the investment department of an insurance company. In his role as investment officer he was responsible for formulating investment strategy and overseeing all investments within the equity and fixed-income divisions. JJ later joined Ontario Hydro as their chief investment strategist where all pension funds were managed internally. 

JJ left the money management business to become an investment planning consultant. He was a founding partner and managing director of Frank Russell Canada. He moved back to the money management side as the managing director and chief operating officer of Guardian Capital Inc. JJ graduated from Westminster College with a BBA and achieved his Chartered Financial Analyst certification. JJ has published numerous articles on the pension and investment industries and has been the keynote speaker at many conferences and seminars.

The Investment Committee Guide to Prudence_ Increasing the Odds of Success When Fulfilling Your Fiduciary Responsibilities in the Administration of Pension_Investment Assets by Jonathan J. Woolverton, non-fiction investing book
FOR A BETTER CHANCE AT LIFE: Achieving Life Satisfaction by Jonathan J. Woolverton, CFA