Welcome to current and future investment committee members.

This book was written to guide you in understanding the fiduciary role of a trustee and administrator in administering and managing the assets of pension and other types of investment funds. It will provide you with the knowledge you require to successfully, and prudently, fulfill your important role.
Jonathan J. Woolverton, author of The Investment Committee Guide to Prudence_ Increasing the Odds of Success When Fulfilling Your Fiduciary Responsibilities in the Administration of Pension_Investment Assets, non-fiction investing book
JONATHAN J. Woolverton
The Investment Committee Guide to Prudence_ Increasing the Odds of Success When Fulfilling Your Fiduciary Responsibilities in the Administration of Pension_Investment Assets by Jonathan J. Woolverton, non-fiction investing book


Increasing the Odds of Success When Fulfilling Your Fiduciary Responsibilities in the Administration of Pension/Investment Assets

JJ’s investment career spans more than five decades. He has been the chief investment strategist for a pension plan sponsor, a managing director and senior consultant within a global investment planning consultant firm, and a managing director and chief operating officer of an investment management organization. Over his career, JJ has attended well over a thousand investment committee meetings as a plan sponsor, a consultant, and a money manager.

For a Better Chance at Life:

Achieving Life Satisfaction

Many of us go through life adrift. We wander aimlessly. We have not found our true purpose in life. We have no rudder (goal), and we have no compass. Our compass (our purpose) sets the path to life satisfaction, while our rudder is to ensure we do not drift off course. If life has no meaning, then there is no life. We always hope that our lives will get better. However, hope is not a plan. It will not happen without our help. To have a fulfilling life, we must take control and set out our pathway to success and happiness. We owe this to ourselves.

FOR A BETTER CHANCE AT LIFE: Achieving Life Satisfaction by Jonathan J. Woolverton, CFA
The Investment Committee Guide to Prudence_ Increasing the Odds of Success When Fulfilling Your Fiduciary Responsibilities in the Administration of Pension_Investment Assets by Jonathan J. Woolverton, non-fiction investing book
FOR A BETTER CHANCE AT LIFE: Achieving Life Satisfaction by Jonathan J. Woolverton, CFA